Chuo Kikuu Kishiriki cha Elimu Mkwawa (MUCE)
i) Undergo an induction course in pedagogy for those who had none before;
ii)Understudy senior members, including attending lectures and seminars, tutorials and practical training;
iii)Conduct tutorials, seminars and practicals;
iv)Assist in research, consultancy and other public services;
v)This is a training post; the staff is required to undergo a Master’s and Doctorate Degree training programme; and
vi)Perform any other duties that may be assigned by the relevant authorities.
Holder of Bachelor of Science in Zoology, Bachelor of Science in Botany, Bachelor of Science in Microbiology, Bachelor of Science with Education (Biology) or Bachelor of Education in Science with a G.P.A of not less than 3.8 out of 5.0 from a recognized University.
APPLICATION TIMELINE: 2024-08-22 2024-09-05