EACOP Ltd Tanzania, on Oil and Gas company, invites experienced and reputable Agricultural, Distribution or Food Services companies to express their interest in providing services to the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) project.
The EACOP project involves the construction and operation of a buried, cross•border pipeline to transport crude oil from the Lake Albert area in Uganda to the eastern coast of Tanzania for export to international markets. The pipeline will run from Kaboale in Hoima District, Uganda, to Chongdeani, Tanga Region, in Tanzania. The length of the pipeline is 1,443 km, of which 1,147 km will be in Tanzania. The pipeline traverses eight 181 regions. comprising Kagera, Geita, Shinyangc, Tabora, Singida, Dodomo, Monyoro and Tango. The pipeline will traverse 27 administrative district councils and 231 Villages.
The EACOP Project {here in after the “Project”) requires o Land Corridor and associated Above Ground Installations for the construction and operation of the crude oil pipeline. As such, the Project is conducting Land Acquisition, resulting in physical and economic displacement of Project Affected People IPAPsI and Project Affected Households (PAHsl.
To mitigate displacement impacts, the Project will implement transitional support in the form of food baskets for eligible physically and economically displaced PAPs and PAHs along the pipeline corridor and above ground installations. Transitional support is provided to complement compensation payments and to supplement existing efforts to maintain household food security during the transitional period once access to land has been lost and until PAPs and PAHs are able to restore their livelihood to preproject levels. The transitional support food basket items comprise of: Maize, Beans, Rice, Cooking Oil and Salt
The Project requires the services of reputable and experienced Tanzanian companies to provide three scope elements: 1) Supplying of food items 2) Warehousing and packaging 3) monthly distribution PAPs/PAHs. The indicative volumes are presented below:
- Tenderers ore required to demonstrate on existing commodity supply chain which con meet the stated commodity volumes.
- Tenderers ore required to demonstrate current food handling, health and safety and quality certification and relevant registrations.
Scope Element 2: Commodity warehousing and packing 12 months
- Tenderers are required to provide evidence of currently owned et leased warehousing facilities.
- Tenderers are required to provide evidence of currently owned packaging facilities, technologies, and material types in use.
Scope Element 3: Commodity distribution to PAPs/PAHs for period of 12 months
- lencerers ore required to provide evidence of currently owned distribution/logistics facilities, network, and equipment.
- Tenderers ore required to provide evidence of the .:,xisting distribution, claim, verification, frothing, and monitoring system used for commodity volume management and fraud prevention.
Tenderers are required to express interest for ALL scope elements. Tenderers who wish to express interest for a specific scope element must provide written justification for consideration.
Companies expressing their interest are invited to document their request with:
- Proof of registration with relevant Tanzanian Registration Bodies (BREIA, IBS, OSHA’.
- Proof of registration with the Tanzania Revenue Authority and Tax RAI Clearance Certificate for the latest year available.
- Companies using local suppliers MUST also provide the some documents for the suppliers.
- Proof of Registration with EWURA Local Supplier Service Provider ILSSI1 database or a proof of application for registration at the time of submission of the response to this expression of interest is strongly recommended.
- Compliance with Local Content Regulations, 2017 and Local Company definition.
- Proo of latest audited financial performance statements.
- Proof of a local supplier network in the named regions, demonstrating adequate infrastructure to achieve the required distribution. Local supplier contact and location information to be provided.
- Proof of warehousing locations, packaging and distributions facilities in the named regions, looation, and status of these facilities to be provided.
- Proof of ability to source and maintain the levels of food stocks required to achieve this scope.
- Proof of accredited health and safety system policies and procedures.
Companies with the ability, capacity, and resources to implement the activities listed above should express their interest by sending on Expression of Interest (EOl) via email, together with the above listed documents to [email protected] (Max Email size 20Mb) before 17:00 hours East African Time (EAT’ on 02nd January 2023. Email subject shall be: REQ-00000075 Provision of Transitional Support Services.
Statements of WI should be no more than ten (10) to twenty (20) pages long. All Expression of Interests should be submitted in English.
Note: EACOP LTD will review and assess the documents provided by companies that have expressed interest in accordance with this E01 and conduct evaluations based on internal criteria to determine which companies will be included in the list of prequalified companies. Only the pre-qualified companies will receive, by signing a Nan-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), on invitation to bid as a continuation of the call for tender process. EACOP LTD reserves the right at its sole discretion to make the decision to select or reject a company and maintain its decision without having to give reasons to the company concerned.