
Request for Proposal for provision of External Audit Services for the Year Ending 2022


1 Background

1.1. About Tanzania Health Promotion Support

Tanzania Health Promotion Support ITHPS) Is an indigenous NGO established under non-governmental organization act No 24 of 2002 In 2011. THPS works in partnership with the Ministry of Health (MoH) and Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG) The Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Health (MoH) In Zanzibar with a goal of ensuring accessible high-quality health care services to Tanzanians: through Strengthening of health and community systems for comprehensive quality health services including HIV/AIDS; Tuberculosis; prevention of GOV: reproductive. maternal, neonatal, child, and adolescent health IR; Liberators, and health (RMNHCAH) services; laboratory and health management information systems (HIMS).

THPS vision is ‘a healthy society in Mitch every individual receives quality healthcare and contribute positively to socio-economic development’.

Our Mission is to promote and support equitable, high quality. accessible and sustainable health services for the Tanzanian society and beyond through partnerships with governments, local and international institutions. civil society, private sector and communities

L2. About Meant services

Tanzania Health Promotion Support requests submission of financial and technical proposals relating to provision of external audit services for the Organization. The audits are done once every year in line with the requirements described through engagement letter: which provides terms and conditions of the audit. Audit engagement letter will be reviewed and renewed each year as appropriate.

2. The Auditors

  1. The auditor shall be an auditing firm. independent and legaly registered to operate in Tanzania with a valid business and professional licence. The firm shall be a well-established, reputable, and experienced in auditing work in Tanzania. with profound experience of auditing international and local NGOs accounts operating in Tanzania.
  2. The auditor shall be approved by the USAID regional Inspector General (RIG) Office, on conditional or permanent basis to conduct A133 Yellow Book audit for US funded projects.

3. Scope of the audit

3.1. The audit work

The auditors will be required to audit a set of accounts* Tanzania Health Promotion Support as part of statutory requirement: and condition on various funding agreement with development partners. The audit involves, but not limited to ascertaining whether:

  • Funds have been utilized in accordance with the aims and objectives;
  • The expenditures and financial records are in line with
    the generally accepted accounting principles: and
  • The financial reports fairly present financial situation including income received, expenditures during the period and cash position at the end of the respective reporting period.

The audit will be conducted in accordance with International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASI and US Generally Accepted Government Audit Standards. and will include such tests of transactions and of the existence. ownership and valuation of assets and liabilities as considered necessary. The auditors shall obtain an understanding of the accounting and internal controls systems to the extent necessary in order to assess their adequacy as a basis for the preparation of the financial statements and to establish whether the programme has maintained proper accounting records. The auditors are expected to obtain such appropriate evidence as considered sufficient to enable them to draw reasonable conclusions thereto.

The auditors are expected to develop, communicate and
implement a comprehensive audit plan that is risk-based.

The Audit plan stymie set out a timeline. requirements and expectations from Tanzania Health Promotion Support and relevant partners Including the Government of Tanzania. regulatory authorities and donor community. The audit shall include assessing the significant estimates and judgements made by the Programs in the preparation of the financial statements and whether the accounting policies were appropriate to the circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed. In forming their opinion, they should also evaluate the overall presentation of information In the financial statements.

LI Outputs

The following outputs among others are expected at the end of the audit exercise

  • THPS accounts including Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Accounts. This should also include Independent Auditors report with an opinion on the truth and fairness of the financial statements: and
  • Management letter with risk assessment on identified issues as High. Medium and Low and comprehensive recommendations to address internal control issues reported.

3.3. Intended completion timeline,

It is expected that the audit for the financial year ended 29th September 2022 may take a maximum of one month and will be completed by November 2022.

3,4. Roles and responsibilities of all parties concerned Prior to commencement of the audit, terms and conditions of the audit will be agreed and described through the audit engagement letter and will form part of the contract for the assignment.

4. Response Proposal Specifications

Those interested in provision of the audit services must include in their application detailed technical and financial proposals with the following components:

Interested audit firms should submit combined technical and financial proposals comprising of relevant information including the following:

  • Profile of the auditing firm:
  • Comments on the terms of reference -Understanding and interpretation of the audit assignment:

Proposed approach (methodology)to the assignment:

  • Details of selected relevant assignments completed in the past five years (Top five) two of which must be with international organizations – US funded.
  • Staffing level clearly indicating number of partners. managers, supervisors, audit seniors and other audit staff at the time of preparing the proposal, and growth plan for the next two years:
  • Abridged CVs of partners, managers and supervisors that would be assigned the THPS audit; and
  • Financial proposal indicating the basis of determining audit fees.

5. Submission of Proposals

Two hard Copies proposal should be submitted Ma sealed envelope (sticker or Wax sealed). clearly marked Proposal for provision of audit service? to be dropped into THPS Tender box located at THPS front Desk on the 4th May 2022 not later than 2:00Pm. followed by bids opening Ceremony which will take dace on 4th May 2022 from 2.30Pm in our off ice conference room. Bidders are invited to witness as well. Please address to:

Executive Director

Tanzania Health Promotion Support

P.O. Box 32605

Plot 254, 3rd Floor, Coco Plaza building,

Toure Drive, Masaki

Tel: 465 22 2923107

+255689103046 Fax: +266 22 2923108 Email [email protected]

If further clarification is needed, please contact THPS Chief Operations Officer at [email protected]

